Determinants of Brand Switching Decision of the Egyptian Consumers during the Recession Period

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Faculty of Management Sciences, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Cairo, Egypt


This study aims to examine the determinants influencing brand-switching decisions during an economic recession period in the Egyptian emerging market. It investigates the main factors in driving consumer brand switching across all product categories. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were employed to address the literature gap by conceptually and empirically examining the drivers of brand-switching decisions under unstable market conditions and their effect on consumer purchasing behavior. After forming an extensive theoretical review, a conceptual model was developed and tested through the use of 281 collected questionnaires and supported by 13 in-depth personal interviews with Egyptian consumers to gain in-depth explanations for the results. The data was analyzed through the use of rank order question (ordinal scale), assignment problem, and Hotelling’s T-square test by using SPSS V.27 and Management Sciences Package software. The results revealed that price is the most influential determinant of brand switching across all product categories during economic distress. Furthermore, practical implications for marketers and business managers are provided, offering strategic recommendations to help in navigating through economic downturns and preserve competitive advantage in the market. These insights are crucial for crafting adaptive marketing strategies that retain existing consumers and attract new consumers to minimize the impact of economic challenges on brands’ performance.

الكلمات الرئيسية

المجلد 54، العدد 4
ابحاث فى تخصصات ادارة الاعمال - المحاسبة - الاقتصاد - الاحصاء باللعة العربیة واللغة الانجلیزیة
ديسمبر 2024
الصفحة 365-398