This study aims to examine the concept of accounting conservatism in an integrated manner.there is an ongoing debate over the accounting conservatism ,where it considers ,on one hand ,as one of the quality characteristics of information and reduces the agency problems and respond to changes in the regulatory environment,and ,on the other hand,it impairs the quality of accounting information where it hurts true and fair presentation of such the context of this can be argued that if accounting conservatism increase the quality of financial statements (positive view of conservatism ),it positively related with good governance mechanisms on one hand,and on the other hand,it support the financial flexibility of the company.Therefore,to achieve the objective of thestudy,it explores the impact of governance mechanisms on accounting conservatism policy and the reflection of the policy on the financial decisions of the company .This study contributes to that debate concering conservatism by wide examination of the concept of conservatism ,whichdeals with the concept of conservatism in the context of determinants and consequences.The study based on the formulation of three models ,The first to test the effect of governance mechanisms on the accounting conservatism,the second to study the effect of accounting conservatism on liquidity management decisions within the company ,and the third to test the effect of accounting conservatism on the decision to choose the source of funding.The results of the study have shown that both proportion of the independent directors and audit committees quality affect the amount of the conservatism in the financial accounting reports,while both the size of board of directors and role duality does not affect the addition ,it appears that the accounting conservatism influences the management decisions in determining the size of the liquidity and funding source selection.Those results reflect the positive correlation between the conservatism and good governance mechanisms on one hand ,and on the other hand,the positive impact of the conservatism on the financial flexibility of the company,which supports the positive view about accounting conservatism that it supports the quality of financial reporting.
So,the study recommended maintain the accounting conservatism as one of the conceptual framework elements .
طه حسن, نصر. (2015). حوکمة الشرکات والتحفظ المحاسبى والقرارات المالية أدلة عملية من البيئة السعودية. المجلة العلمية للإقتصاد و التجارة, 45(3), 445-473. doi: 10.21608/jsec.2015.163949
نصر طه حسن. "حوکمة الشرکات والتحفظ المحاسبى والقرارات المالية أدلة عملية من البيئة السعودية", المجلة العلمية للإقتصاد و التجارة, 45, 3, 2015, 445-473. doi: 10.21608/jsec.2015.163949
طه حسن, نصر. (2015). 'حوکمة الشرکات والتحفظ المحاسبى والقرارات المالية أدلة عملية من البيئة السعودية', المجلة العلمية للإقتصاد و التجارة, 45(3), pp. 445-473. doi: 10.21608/jsec.2015.163949
طه حسن, نصر. حوکمة الشرکات والتحفظ المحاسبى والقرارات المالية أدلة عملية من البيئة السعودية. المجلة العلمية للإقتصاد و التجارة, 2015; 45(3): 445-473. doi: 10.21608/jsec.2015.163949